
CertCop certification expires every two years, and candidates must renew their certificates in a timely manner to stay in good standing.

Two ways to renew your CertCop Certification:

Candidates who wishes to renew their CertCop certifications can choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Candidates can purchase and prepare their own for new certification exam and once they pass the exam certification will be renewed for two years. For details please send an email to

Option 2: Candidates can also avoid taking the exam again but attend one of the following training programs either Virtual Live or in the classroom format:

  • Certcop CKLPT 1 day
  • Specialized 1 Day Webinars 
  • Cyber Security and Biometrics related certification program delivered by CertCop and it’s authorized partner companies.

    For details please send an email to