
Our dedicated exam hosting site, ExamIT is focused on providing complete online assessment services, including Certification exams, Pre-assessment exams, Practice & Mock exams, Exam hosting & proctoring services for selected vendors. Our online exam engine gives you the platform to create certification and assessment exams that can measure your training programs and products’ effectiveness. Contact us to find out how ExamIT can help you!
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Certified Cyber Cop Exam Information

In order to earn the Certified Kali Linux Pen Tester – CertCop (CKLPT-CertCop) and other upcoming advance certifications, candidates must successfully complete the exam associated with each certification.

Exam Title





Number of Questions






180 minutes (3 Hours)

180 minutes (3 Hours)

180 minutes (3 Hours)

180 minutes (3 Hours)

Passing Score





How to Register for the CertCop Certification exam:

All candidates who wish to get certified as Certified Cyber Cop are required to attend either live training or go through our On-demand training package. All our Instructor-led classroom or Virtual Live training program package comes with an exam voucher. On-demand training package can also be purchased with the certification exam voucher at a discounted price. The process of registering to take the CertCop exam varies depending on whether you choose to attend the CertCop official/Authorized training program or through on-demand/self-study package.

Option 1: Candidates have an option to attend either our Instructor-led hands-on training program Virtual Live or through our live events at one of our ATP partner location world-wide. Both of these programs include exam voucher as part of the training package.

The Voucher will expire in 12 months from the date of issue. Candidate can register for the online exam (proctored) via

Interested candidates can fill up the following Exam Registration Request form:

Option 2: Candidates looking to get trained & certified can also achieve this through our on-demand /self-study programs. Candidates can purchase the exam voucher as a discounted package deal or can buy it separately.

Interested candidates can fill up the following Exam Registration Request form: same as above

Terms and conditions:

The exam voucher is only valid towards the purchased exam test. This voucher can not be altered in any way or redeemed for cash or credit. Voucher can not be resold and is non-refundable or non-returnable and has zero cash value.

This voucher must be submitted at the time of test registration and must be redeemed prior to the expiration date. Expired Vouchers have zero value. We are not responsible for any stolen or lost vouchers.

Exams voucher purchase and training purchase is final. Once the account has activated, no refund or credits will be issued. The exam voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can not be extended or renewed once expired. Exam voucher key and details must be presented prior to scheduling the exam. There is no cash value to the exam vouchers and can only be used towards the exam attempt.

Exam Requirements: Registered candidate must provide their photo ID at the time of test registration.

Exam Duration allowed: 3 hours

Candidates who needs additional assistance can contact