Network Design

  • by CertCop
  • Course level: Intermediate


Topics Covered

  1. Packet Capture and Replay
  2. Packet Sniffer
  3. Protocol Analyzers (packet analyzer)
  4. Wireshark
  5. Who should use Wireshark?
  6. Wireshark Demo ➤ Tcpdump
  7. Packet sniffer in the cloud
  8. Wireshark’s cousin- tshark
  9. Tcpreplay
  10. Common Networking Protocols DNS Tools-nslookup, dig
  11. DNS Record Types
  12. Querying multiple servers
  13. DNS Poisoning

Topics for this course

3 Lessons

Network Design

Network Design Part 100:35:01
Network Design Part 201:10:38
Network Design Part 300:26:40

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