Mobile Device hacking
Awareness of attack vectors on mobile platforms, various Android risks and assaults, Understandinging iOS dangers and attacks, as well as mobile device administration (MDM), Guidelines for mobile security and security tools Overview of the Mobile Pen Test.
Over the next five years, an estimated 5.8 billion mobile devices are predicted to grow dramatically, reaching around 12 billion in four years. The overall number is expected to be around 5.5 billion. As a result, two mobile devices are averaged around the globe per individual. This allows us to completely rely on mobile devices to transport our critical data across the board. Mobile safety is thus one of the most important factors to consider.
Mobile security, as a concept, safeguards our mobile devices from possible attacks by other mobile devices or the related wireless environment.
Topics covered
- Mobile Device Hacking
- OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks
- Mobile Application Attack Vectors
- Anatomy of Mobile Attack
- Types of Attacks
- Android Device Hacking
- IOS Device Hacking
- IOS Jail Breaking